Design of Activity Book to Improve Writing Skill for Deaf Students

This research was written by Kurnia, Arfiyanti and Mudopar.

It is explained that there are several factors that cause it, including the limitations of learning media that are suitable for the needs of deaf students. For this reason, the research was conducted with the aim of designing activity book learning media in learning to write simple sentences; knowing the results of the activity book learning media validation test; and describe the simple writing ability of deaf students of class VII SLB Beringin Bhakti using activity book learning media. The research method used is development research. In this research, the stages carried out include preliminary studies, model development, and model testing in a limited cycle.

Design of Activity Book to Improve Writing Skills for Deaf Students

Based on the results of expert assessments of activity book learning media, an average of 91% was obtained and the results of expert assessments of activity book learning media users obtained an average of 88%. These results indicate that the activity book learning media that has been designed is feasible to use in learning to write simple sentences. In addition, the existence of activity book learning media helps students understand the elements of sentences and write sentences.

As we know that deaf students have a hearing impairment. This situation makes the language of deaf students tend to be imperfect. In receiving information they rely more on visuals. Of course this affects the acquisition of deaf language, including written language. The use of deaf written language tends to be irregular. This is in line with the preliminary study obtained through observation. At the time of observation, it was found that a seventh grade SLB Beringin Bhakti student with the initials R who had not been able to write simple sentences well. Sentences that are written are often irregular and do not follow the sentence structure. The same situation also happened to the student with the initial W. This condition was certainly influenced by several factors including the media and textbooks used that were not in accordance with the student's needs.

Based on these circumstances, efforts are needed to help deaf students understand sentence structure, including the use of learning media. The existence of learning media for the deaf is very important, especially in language learning. The use of media will help deaf students maintain memory. This is in accordance with Varkamp's opinion which explains that in teaching deaf children to speak, the media must always accompany the learning activities, the use of assistive devices/media in the learning process can help children in maintaining memory of the experiences they have experienced (Sadjaah, 2003: 17).

The learning media that can be used in language learning for the deaf are those that prioritize visuals, including activity books. The term media is the same as interactive book, play book, or quiet book. The goal is to make learning more fun. This media is packaged like a job training book. In it there are interesting pictures and various activities that encourage active students. The activity book is expected to be able to grow students' enthusiasm and improve students' ability to write simple sentences.

What is Activity Book Media?

One of the efforts to improve the quality of learning in addition to the application of methods is also the use of learning media. Arsyad put forward learning media as all forms of physical communication equipment in the form of hardware and software which are a small part of educational technology that must be created, used, and managed for learning needs with the aim of achieving effectiveness and efficiency in the learning process.

In the learning process, the use of learning media has benefits. The benefits of learning media are explained as follows. (1) Teaching will attract more students' attention so as to foster learning motivation. (2) Teaching materials will have a clearer meaning so that they can be better understood by students and allow students to better master the teaching objectives. (3) Students do more learning activities because they do not only listen to the teacher's description, but also other activities, such as observing, doing, demonstrating. (4) Teaching methods will be more varied, not merely verbal communication through imitation of words by the teacher so that students do not get bored (Sudjana, 2005: 2).

In addition, the benefits of using media in the learning process are also explained as follows. (1) Learning media can clarify the presentation of messages and information so that they can facilitate and improve the learning process. (2) Learning media can increase and direct children's attention so that they can lead to learning motivation, more direct interaction between students and the environment, and the possibility of students to learn independently according to their abilities and interests. (3) Learning media can overcome the limitations of the senses, space, and time. (4) Learning media can provide students with a common experience about events in their environment (Arsyad, 2015: 29).

Based on this, it is clear that the learning media will have an influence on the learning process. Students' enthusiasm for learning will increase and will impact on student learning outcomes. There are several types of teaching media used in the learning process. First, graphic media such as pictures, photos, graphics. Second, three-dimensional media, namely in the form of solid models, cross-sectional models, milk models, work models, and others. The three projection media such as slides, film strips, films, use OHP. Fourth, the use of the environment as a learning medium. The activity book media used in learning simple sentences is classified as graphic media because it contains images.

Activity books are often also called busy books or quiet books, including types of visual or graphic media. Wulandsari explained that busy books, activity books are 3-dimensional media types of models / imitations in the form of a cloth book with flannel matting consisting of pages containing various children's activities such as counting, recognizing colors, tying ropes, getting to know animals, etc. (Ramdhani, 2018: 13).. Activity books are interactive books that are packed with attractive pictures and colors. This book emphasizes skill-related activities, such as matching, sticking to each page. The media will later be used in learning to write simple sentences.

The original title is "Desain Activity Book dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Kalimat Sederhana pada Siswa Tunarungu SLB Beringin Bhakti".

Translated freely by admin. Admin apologizes if there is some wrong sentences in the translation.


Kurnia, M. D., Arfiyanti, R., & Mudopar, M. (2021). Desain Activity Book dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Kalimat Sederhana pada Siswa Tunarungu SLB Beringin Bhakti. Jurnal Pendidikan Kebutuhan Khusus, 5(2), 127-134.

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