Not everyone likes and has the ability in the field of mathematics, this could be due to one of the learning disorders, namely dyscalculia. The purpose of this study was to improve the ability of dyscalculia children in calculating addition using the Stamp Game media.
This study uses a single case experimental design. The subjects studied included three dyscalculia children who were selected using the purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the Stamp Game media can improve numeracy skills (summation) in dyscalculia elementary school students.
About Dyscalculia
Basically, all children should learn math whether they like it or not. Learning mathematics is reading activities from reality in everyday life, Benefits, 2010:9 in (Reafani et al., 2018). Therefore, mathematics is a means of developing one's thinking (Kusumawardani, 2016). But the fact is that not everyone likes and has the ability in the field of mathematics, this could be due to one of the learning disorders, namely dyscalculia.
Dyscalculia can be referred to as "math difficulty" because it involves problems with mathematical calculation skills (Utomo, 2019). The causes of learning difficulties can be caused by external factors, internal factors, and learning factors. Internal factors include physical and mental factors, external factors include schools, communities, and families, and the last learning factors include the teacher's approach to the learning process, learning models, and assessment (Subuni, 2012).
Shalev, Manor & Gross-Tsur in 2005 (Reafani et al., 2018) explained that dyscalculia is a condition of learning difficulties that lasts long and continuously in children. Furthermore, Murtadlo, 2013 in (Judha Baswara Adhim and Yuliati, 2019) said dyscalculia is a difficulty in the sector of receiving, understanding, or producing quantitative and spatial information. Children who experience these obstacles experience problems in understanding the concept of simple numbers, difficulty in counting, and lack of understanding of number perception.
Learning activities for students still need concrete tools, they will more easily understand learning if they are directly involved or do it themselves (Baiquni, 2016). According to (Paramita, 2009) an easy way of learning for children is to use teaching aids or learning media that can be exported by the child's senses, so that in the learning process children can understand something by using their various senses. Likewise with the statement of Rantukahu and Kandou, (2014) that in teaching addition arithmetic operations must be introduced with concrete introductions. Concrete recognition in psychology is called a stimulus or stimulus, so the Stamp Game media can be used as a stimulus (Gutex, 2013).
What is Stamp Game?
Stamp Game is a teaching aid/media to teach children to count, one of which is addition. The characteristics of the Stamp Game are:
Stamp Games can help children understand place value, Irving, (2017). The use of the Stamp Game can be a method used to help children calculate additions and attract children's attention (Mariah, Aprinastusi & Anggadewi, 2017).
According to Wulandari & Prasetyaningrum (2018) through the Stamp Game media, children will easily master the skills of counting addition with the stage of cognitive development.
Stamp Game itself has advantages, namely it can be used in learning as a support, in the form of concrete and simple media, can be used repeatedly, can be used to improve the ability to count additions ranging from unit numbers to thousands according to the needs of children.
The game stamp is in the form of a box which contains a Stamp, which is a number card in the form of a square piece measuring 1 cm x 1 cm. The stamp consists of two colors, the red stamp with the 1 mark is interpreted as the units number while the yellow stamp with the 10 mark is interpreted as the tens number.
It can be concluded that the Stamp Game media is a concrete learning media that children can use through their five senses and attract attention to stimulate understanding arithmetic operations.
Based on the explanation above, the formulation of the problem that will be raised in this study is whether the Stamp Game media can be used to improve arithmetic operations skills, especially in addition to students who have difficulty in counting (dyscalculia) using the Stamp Game media.
The original title is "Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menjumlah Anak Diskalkulia dengan Media Stamp Game".
Translated freely by admin. Admin apologizes if there is some wrong sentences in the translation.
Latifah, Z. (2021). Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menjumlah Anak Diskalkulia dengan Media Stamp Game. Jurnal Pendidikan Kebutuhan Khusus, 5(1), 1-11.
Please read the full article here
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About Dyscalculia
Basically, all children should learn math whether they like it or not. Learning mathematics is reading activities from reality in everyday life, Benefits, 2010:9 in (Reafani et al., 2018). Therefore, mathematics is a means of developing one's thinking (Kusumawardani, 2016). But the fact is that not everyone likes and has the ability in the field of mathematics, this could be due to one of the learning disorders, namely dyscalculia.
Dyscalculia can be referred to as "math difficulty" because it involves problems with mathematical calculation skills (Utomo, 2019). The causes of learning difficulties can be caused by external factors, internal factors, and learning factors. Internal factors include physical and mental factors, external factors include schools, communities, and families, and the last learning factors include the teacher's approach to the learning process, learning models, and assessment (Subuni, 2012).
Shalev, Manor & Gross-Tsur in 2005 (Reafani et al., 2018) explained that dyscalculia is a condition of learning difficulties that lasts long and continuously in children. Furthermore, Murtadlo, 2013 in (Judha Baswara Adhim and Yuliati, 2019) said dyscalculia is a difficulty in the sector of receiving, understanding, or producing quantitative and spatial information. Children who experience these obstacles experience problems in understanding the concept of simple numbers, difficulty in counting, and lack of understanding of number perception.
Learning activities for students still need concrete tools, they will more easily understand learning if they are directly involved or do it themselves (Baiquni, 2016). According to (Paramita, 2009) an easy way of learning for children is to use teaching aids or learning media that can be exported by the child's senses, so that in the learning process children can understand something by using their various senses. Likewise with the statement of Rantukahu and Kandou, (2014) that in teaching addition arithmetic operations must be introduced with concrete introductions. Concrete recognition in psychology is called a stimulus or stimulus, so the Stamp Game media can be used as a stimulus (Gutex, 2013).
What is Stamp Game?
Stamp Game is a teaching aid/media to teach children to count, one of which is addition. The characteristics of the Stamp Game are:
- The Stamp Game is designed by providing number stamps and different colors according to the number level. Children will feel attracted to touch, see, feel, and hold it so that this tool can develop the child's five senses.
- Stamp This game is graded, related to color, shape, and child's age, can be used for elementary school students to form the concept of counting addition.
- Autocorrection or error control (answer key).
- Autoeducation, helps develop children's ability to learn independently.
- Contextual, specifically to meet the needs of children in practicing arithmetic skills, one of which is addition.
Stamp Games can help children understand place value, Irving, (2017). The use of the Stamp Game can be a method used to help children calculate additions and attract children's attention (Mariah, Aprinastusi & Anggadewi, 2017).
According to Wulandari & Prasetyaningrum (2018) through the Stamp Game media, children will easily master the skills of counting addition with the stage of cognitive development.
Stamp Game itself has advantages, namely it can be used in learning as a support, in the form of concrete and simple media, can be used repeatedly, can be used to improve the ability to count additions ranging from unit numbers to thousands according to the needs of children.
The game stamp is in the form of a box which contains a Stamp, which is a number card in the form of a square piece measuring 1 cm x 1 cm. The stamp consists of two colors, the red stamp with the 1 mark is interpreted as the units number while the yellow stamp with the 10 mark is interpreted as the tens number.
It can be concluded that the Stamp Game media is a concrete learning media that children can use through their five senses and attract attention to stimulate understanding arithmetic operations.
Based on the explanation above, the formulation of the problem that will be raised in this study is whether the Stamp Game media can be used to improve arithmetic operations skills, especially in addition to students who have difficulty in counting (dyscalculia) using the Stamp Game media.
The original title is "Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menjumlah Anak Diskalkulia dengan Media Stamp Game".
Translated freely by admin. Admin apologizes if there is some wrong sentences in the translation.
Latifah, Z. (2021). Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menjumlah Anak Diskalkulia dengan Media Stamp Game. Jurnal Pendidikan Kebutuhan Khusus, 5(1), 1-11.
Please read the full article here
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